Aggressive Portfolio

Fact Sheet

Growth Portfolio

Fact Sheet

Moderate Portfolio

Fact Sheet

Conservative Portfolio

Fact Sheet


Clockwise Capital LLC is a registered investment advisor. Information presented herein is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Readers of the information contained on this handout should be aware that any action taken by the viewer/reader based on this information is taken at their own risk. This information does not address individual situations and should not be construed or viewed as any type of individual or group recommendation. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial advisor, tax professional, and/or legal counsel before implementing any securities, investments, or investment strategies discussed. Portfolio performance is not shown net of the advisory fees, as each firm Clockwise manages money on behalf of could have a different fee structure and sample trading costs. Performance does not reflect the deduction of other fees or expenses, including but not limited to brokerage fees, custodial fees and fees and expenses charged by mutual funds and other investment companies. Performance results shown include the reinvestment of dividends, distributions and interest on cash balances where applicable. The data used to calculate the portfolio performance was obtained from sources deemed reliable and then organized and presented by Clockwise Capital. 

The performance calculations have not been audited by any third party. Actual performance of client portfolios may differ materially due to the timing related to additional client deposits or withdrawals and the actual deployment and investment of a client portfolio, the length of time various positions are held, the client’s objectives and restrictions, and fees and expenses incurred by any specific individual portfolio. Model portfolio is a fictional one that does not include any actual assets under management. Models are often presented as an ideal combination of securities for a client’s portfolio. Although the firm may have clients with actual portfolios that follow the underlying investment strategy and hold identical securities, a model may vary in regards to security pricing and the timing of buys and sells. As a result, a firm may not have any client portfolios that precisely mirror the model. Performance numbers are represented through December 31, 2023. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS.

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Past performance is not indicative of future results. Differences in account size, timing of transactions and market conditions prevailing at the time of investment may lead to different results, and clients may lose money. Clients should consult with their personal tax advisors regarding the tax consequences of investing.

© Clockwise Capital LLC,  All Rights Reserved 2024, 1395 Brickell Ave. Unit 800, Miami FL 33131